Today we played a simple game with two dice to practice our skill of counting on when adding.
What is the count on method?
Counting on is a mental math skill where, when adding two numbers, you begin counting from the largest number and add the second number to it. Counting on helps us figure out how many more we need of something and how many we will have once more is added.
Hello and welcome to grade 1/2 room 8. I am so excited to have this communication tool available so that you are able to see what is happening in our classroom. Please feel free to share with me any ideas or suggestions that you may have that you feel you or your child may like to contribute to our learning. This will help to make further connections between home, our community and school. As the year progresses the students will be taking on a greater role in contributing to our blog. Today was a terrific first day. All of the students were super excited to dive right into their learning. Here are a few snapshots. "Together we are better" was the statement we discussed as a springboard to understanding how we can work as an entire classroom community in order to have greater success. The book Swimmy by Leo Lionni was shared and discussed to help us develop a greater understanding of what this means. Swimmy Deep in the sea lives a happy school of fish....
Thank you to our three volunteers who joined us today at the National Music Center. Despite the last-minute change in plans once we arrived at the Center the students had a great time visiting the exhibits and getting having the opportunity to hear the amazing organ demonstration. The children shared some terrific comments and we had a great discussion about our own individual experiences and theories regarding how different instruments make a sound. The children were also very intrigued by the concept of movies that were once created in black and white without sound. Many ideas were shared about activities that they would like to as a follow up to our visit. Some of which were; making their own musical instruments, creating a story in a story workshop and adding a soundtrack to it. " I know that a violin makes sounds by strumming or plucking the strings because I take violin lessons" "A piano is played when you hit the strings and the strings vibrate" ...
Today we celebrated pink shirt day and focused on the role that everyone can play to spread kindness. We have been discussing how our simple acts of kindness can affect others and how it can play a role in our own joy and happiness. To support our learning today we read the book Each Kindness by Jacqueline Woodson. We then discussed what a ripple is and the role that we can play in creating a ripple effect. Attached are several links to videos we watched as well as a copy of the book Each Kindness in a slide show format. LIFE VEST- KINDESS BOOMERANG- “ONE DAY” VIDEO KINDNESS CARDS- TED TALK