Oobleck? Is it a solid or a liquid?

The everyday materials around us generally fit into one of three categories: solid, liquid, and gas. Along with plasma, these three categories represent the different possible states of matter. A table is solid, while the air we breathe is a gas. Some materials can even transition between the different states. For example, water can exist as a solid (ice), a liquid (water), or a gas (steam or vapour). 

In this lesson, we explored the properties of “oobleck” – a simple mixture of cornstarch and water. Oobleck is unique because it can behave as both a solid and a liquid.

Oobleck is a non-newtonian fluid. That is, it acts like a liquid when being poured, but like a solid when a force is acting on it. you can grab it and then it will ooze out of your hands.

Oobleck gets its name from the Dr. Seuss book Bartholomew and the Oobleck where a gooey green substance, oobleck fell from the sky and wreaked havoc in the kingdom. 

Today the children had the chance to experiment with this great material and explain their rationale regarding what state of matter they fell oobleck belongs to. Gooey Messy fun was had by all!! 

A big thank you goes out to one of our classmates who brought this awesome material into the class and inspired the use of this book and lesson as it relates to our Science unit: Exploring liquids. 

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