Using old photographs to find clues about our past

As we continue to explore the history of Calgary the students were given some wonderful old photographs. Their job was to work together as a class and decide where they feel the photographs fit in on our timeline. When asked what were some clues that helped them decide the final location on our timeline they indicate the following;
"If the picture is in color it must not be from that long ago"
"I can tell by looking at the cars because we know they cars came to Calgary after the horse and buggies"
"I can tell by looking at the powerlines because Calgary did not have electricity a long long time ago".
" I knew by looking at the people's old fashioned clothes"
"I knew that the Calgary tower was built for Canada's birthday but not it's birthday that long ago".
"Calgary did not always have the stampeded so that must have been after Fort Calgary was built"
"When we watched the video I learned that they only had sandstone buildings after the big fire so this picture goes after the wooden buildings".
"I can see a dirt road in this one and now we have roads and sidewalks"

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